
Hypnosis for Weight Loss

The journey of weight loss occurs in three distinct phases. The first phase of weight loss begins with introducing new habits and changing the way you think and how you feel about yourself up to this point in time. The second phase of weight loss continues with breaking up with old habits and changing your relationship with food and exercise. The final phase of weight loss ends with developing a maintenance plan and, most importantly, a relapse prevention plan you can instantly put into action if or when you default back to old habits and ways of being. Where are you in your journey? Keep reading to learn more about each of these three phases of weight loss and how hypnosis can help you achieve your ideal weight. 

Phase 1: Shifting Habits and Self-Image

In this phase of weight loss, you’re either maintaining or gaining at which point you either have to “suck it up” or “step it up” if you want to feel comfortable in your own skin. If you somehow landed on this page–and took the time out of your day to read what I’m writing–then I’m betting this isn’t your first attempt at weight loss. Perhaps you feel stuck at this phase in your journey. You make plans to wake up early and workout, but then the morning comes and you’re pressing the snooze button because you’re not a morning person. If you want to change your habits, then you can start by changing how you perceive yourself. Your habits are dictated by your sense of identity. 

Phase 2: Enhancing Relationships and Lifestyle

This phase is where the real weight loss occurs through lifestyle modification. In this phase of weight loss, you become more attuned to your body, learning to recognize the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Your relationship with food and exercise gets called into question as you continue making new choices for eating mindfully and moving your body even more than you were before. It’s a constant tango with inevitable slip ups here and there that all part of the journey. Every slip into old behavior patterns is viewed as an opportunity to enhance the relationship you have with your body, food and exercise.

Phase 3: Maintaining Balance and Health 

This is the maintenance phase of weight loss. You know you have reached this phase of weight loss when you have achieved your ideal weight or weight loss goal. You’ll continue tweaking your food and exercise plan as needed, but now it’s all about balancing your commitment to health with all of your other responsibilities and priorities. You want to make sure you can keep the weigh off now that you’ve effectively lost that unwanted weight. In this phase is of weigh loss, you want to reinforce the positive changes you’ve made through preventative self-care

Hypnosis Can Support Your Weight Loss Goals

Wherever you are in your journey, hypnosis can be an effective way to help re-align your conscious intentions with your subconscious motivations. In the beginning phase of weight loss, hypnosis is used to create shifts in your behavior by strengthening your self-image as someone who lives a healthy lifestyle and makes health choices. In the middle phase of weight loss, hypnosis is used to integrate this new identity with the lifestyle modification you require to make peace with food, exercise, and the way they interact with your body. In the final phase of weigh loss, hypnosis is used to help you maintain your weight loss by learning how to manage stress effectively rather than eating your emotions. 

If you have been considering the use of hypnosis to help you lose weight, click the button below to schedule a free phone consultation.  I look forward to helping you achieve your personal self-improvement goals related to health and wellness.

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